Sunday, August 7, 2016

Breaking Through by Calista Smith BOOK REVIEW!

Breaking Through by Calista Smith
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

“No one would ever know that underneath all my layers, a love I’d never forgotten, but lost before it ever had a real chance to be mine was being smothered and left to die.”

After reading Breaking Away I couldn’t wait to get my hands on Breaking Through! One thing that I noticed from the very beginning of the book is that Rocky has grown up A LOT! I love that she is so grown up! She’s been through a lot of crap so of course it’d make sense that she’d have to grow up.

So many emotions in this book! Breaking Through is so well written and the characters feel so real! I love when I can read a book and I’m able to relate to the character somehow. I love that connection. The world that Calista creates definitely keeps you entertained. You’re hooked from the very first pages!

“How could two people feel so strongly about each other and get it so very wrong? We got it all wrong.”

I found myself holding my breath throughout the book, with the emotions and the tension I wasn’t sure how it was going to play out so of course I had it devoured in no time!

“..He reached through my back and yanked my heart from my chest, dragging it out through my shoulder and leaving me to burn in painful flames…”

The scenes with Rocky and Dante together unnerved me. With all their history they want to avoid each other at all costs but with having to share their god daughter. They are thrown together quite a few times. I loved seeing Nat & Aiden! They are such great friends to Rocky throughout everything! I love their little girl! She’s so freaking adorable!

“Hope and faith were beginning to replace fear, and the two of them together were an even stronger fuel than I could’ve ever imagined.”

I’ve never liked Neal through the series. It’s no secret I’ve always been #TeamDante but I have to admit in Breaking Away he was exactly what Rocky needed.. And what Neal needed as well. But as I read Breaking Through I still didn’t know what was going to happen!

Overall Breaking Through was a great book that you need to read!

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